21 of the Best Handpicked Books for 4-Year-Olds
I quickly turned down the burner, noticing the sauce had begun to splatter red dots all over my finally clean stovetop.
“Yes, that’s right,” I answered my boys over my shoulder as I carefully wiped up the mess.
They continued to pepper me with questions as I attended to the sauce.
“And we’re all connected,” my 4-year-old insightfully concluded.
I looked up from my task and took in his sincere, little blue eyes. “Yes, that’s right,” I said in awe of this connection from a book we hadn’t read in months. “We’re all connected by an invisible string.”
4-year-olds are amazing. They’re such wild things but their young minds can also take in so much information. It’s the perfect time to expand the books you read with them. Set aside the board books and move to picture books with complex ideas. And, of course, we can’t forget the fun books.
This list is curated from children’s books I chose as a librarian and read with my 4-year-old. These are the ones that became our favorite books, and I know they will be quick favorites for your 4-year-old, too.
21 of the Best Handpicked Books for 4-Year-Olds
Use this list of the best books for 4-year-olds to plan your next book buying of local library adventure.
1. The Day the Crayons Quit* Drew Daywalt
Duncan’s crayons are done. They quit. They aren’t happy with their everyday use and request that Duncan use them more creatively.
The Day the Crayons Quit is a unique book meant to inspire creativity. I love this book for my son and other 4-year-olds starting school because sometimes schools can discourage creativity by teaching the “right” way to do things. This book inspires kids to think outside the box.
2. Uni the Unicorn Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Uni is a unique unicorn. See, she believes something that no other unicorn does. She believes little girls exist. And out there, there’s also a little girl who believes unicorns exist. And one day, they both learn that they’re right.
Uni the Unicorn is such a sweet book for a young girl (which I don’t have, but my son and I both agreed on this 😁) who loves fairy tales and unicorns. You and your 4-year-old girl will both adore it.
Bonus Tip: Add a unicorn squishmallow to this, and you have the perfect gift to bring to a 4-year-old girl.
3. Because You’re My Family Missy Robertson
Valor rushes downstairs, excited to spend his day playing pirates with his uncle, only to be met with a request. His mom needs his help. His fun plans will have to wait for another day. In an act of rebellion, Valor sabotages his mom’s plans and puts himself in danger. Will his father save him even though he’s acted so poorly?
Brave Books is a company devoted to publishing books that teach faith-based values. Because You’re My Family teaches us to serve our family with a joyful heart. It also teaches kids that their parents love and serve them unconditionally, not as a result of good behavior.
This sweet story helps teach kids a challenging concept with clear examples. Another excellent choice is Son of Truth, which teaches the value of honesty.
4. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Judi Barrett
This classic story tells of a town where food falls from the sky. The town is showered with food that meets all of their needs. Only one day, the weather takes a turn for the worse and becomes dangerous. The people are forced to relocate and are only left with the memory of this dark time.
This book will encourage your child’s creativity. Four-year-olds can often blur the line between what’s real and what’s imaginary. This is a purely fictitious world that they’ll love exploring at this age.
5. Llama Llama’s Little Lie Anna Dewdney
In Anna Dewdney’s newest Llama Llama book, Llama is playing with a friend inside while Mama works outside. But without supervision, Llama does all the wrong things and, in the process, breaks one of Mama’s favorite items. Instead of telling the truth when Mama is upset, Llama makes up a few outlandish lies. But Mama is disappointed in his lie, and Llama quickly reveals the truth.
Though most of our children’s lies likely don’t end as ideally as this one, books about desired behavior work as helpful teaching tools. My son was disappointed in Llama’s lie, but we also talked about how he told the truth and how he and Mama could solve the problem once he did.
All the Llama Llama books are good books, but this book is an excellent for addressing a problem common among 4-year-olds.
6. This Book is On Fire! Ron Keres
Finn the Frog shows off his kitchen skills in this orderly book. Join him as he tries to find the perfect meal to please a hungry kid. Only to be met with frustration when this kid won’t be pleased.
My kids love This Book is On Fire!. In fact, all the Finn the Frog Books are so much fun that you can’t go wrong with any of them. They always include lots of laughs, kid-appropriate humor, and fun illustrations. They’re some of my favorite books to read, and it’s a bonus that my kids love them too.
7. The Scariest Story You’ve Ever Heard Ron Keres
These two brothers huddle in their bed as they listen to scary noises inside there house. Sure they’ll find a monster stopping around, not being quiet about the destruction of their home. They fear what they’ll find but know they must face this horror. Only to find…
The Scariest Story You’ve Ever Heard is a fun book told primarily in words and makes for a great read-aloud and bedtime story. My boys love to listen to this scary tale.
8. In My Heart Jo Witek
In My Heart is a great book for discussing feelings. The little girl in the book discusses different feelings in her heart and how she can identify them.
This simple book is perfect for giving your child the terminology to understand their feelings. It’s a great way to start talking about feelings of love and friendship. This is a great book for girls. If you’re looking for a similar book for boys, I recommend Color Monster.
9. The Cat in the Hat Dr. Seuss
On a dull rainy day, in this timeless classic, and Sally and Dick have nothing to do until the Cat in the Hat bursts into their house, trying to find ways to make the day fun.
My first exposure to The Cat in the Hat was through the 2003 film version, which left me with little interest in reading it. But when I found it at a library sale, I figured we’d give it a try. And wow, was I surprised at how much we love this book. There’s a great emphasis on balancing having fun and being responsible. Plus, it allowed me to discuss a few things I never expected with my kids. For example, It’s not good that the cat didn’t listen when the children told him to leave; we must respect others’ boundaries. As a bonus, the rhymes are great for little readers. Our other favorite is Green Eggs and Ham. The second book, The Cat and the Hat Returns is also a lot of fun and its simple rhymes help teach the letters of the alphabet.
10. God Made All of Me Justin & Lindsey Holcomb
I pray your 4-year-old will never encounter any attempts at molestation or sexual abuse, but even the most protective of moms have learned of inappropriate behavior they never expected. God Made All of Me is the perfect book to help families be proactive about this issue.
It teaches that God made all our bodies and that they are all good, but that he made different parts for different purposes. Certain parts are made to be covered and not touched by others.
This is the perfect book to introduce a sensitive topic and create a healthy understanding of bodies.
11. The Invisible String Patrice Karst
Liza and Jeremy rush out of bed when a storm hits to find their mom. She tells them the story of The Invisible String. A string that connects all people who love each other, even when they aren’t together.
The Invisible String is a beautiful book with beautiful illustrations about how love ties us together. It’s a great way to assure your child that he/she is loved and never alone even when you aren’t with him/her.
12. Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs: Missing Treasure! Giles Andrea
In this follow-up to one of our new favorite dinosaur book from my 3-year-old dinosaur books list, Captain Flinn is here to help find the missing pirate dinosaur treasure.
These books are great adventure stories with . colorful illustrations. My son and I love sitting down to read them. Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs: Missing Treasure! is another energetic addition to this adventure series that your little boy will enjoy. This is a longer book, but it’s fun so no one minds its length.
13. Stop That Dinosaur! Alex English
When a dinosaur stomps through and kidnaps Grandma, what can you do? Chase after it and yell, “Stop that Dinosaur!” of course.
Sometimes, we just need to stop and read a fun book. I have to admit, my favorite books aren’t the ones that teach me but the ones that draw me into a great or fun story. Stop That Dinosaur! is that book. When you need a break from all of the learning and just want a fun story about a dinosaur, choose this book. It has bright illustrations and simple text with a fast pace that’s perfect for young readers.
14. Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs: As Retold by Mo Willems
When the dinosaurs go out, they aren’t going to hide and wait for a little girl to come along so they can enjoy their favorite snack. Or, maybe that’s precisely what they’re doing!
This is a twist on the classic book with a dinosaur theme. Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs is cleverly redone to add touches of fun and humor that your preschooler is sure to love. This is a great book even if your child doesn’t love dinosaurs.
Top Holiday Books for 4-Year-Olds
15. Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch Eileen Spinelli
Mr. Hatch follows his routine each day without incident. Until he receives a surprise box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day; knowing that he has a secret admirer transforms his days. Suddenly, he’s upbeat and happily helping everyone in town. But does someone really love Mr. Hatch? Or was it all a mistake?
Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch helps us see how much being loved can change someone. And it teaches us all the importance of telling others how much we love them.
16. Bluey: Easter Penguin Young Readers
It’s Easter, and Bluey and Bingo are worried the Easter Bunny will forget them again this year. Their fears appear to be founded when they wake up to clues instead of baskets full of candy. The girls set out on an Easter adventure to find their baskets. These beloved characters must bravely face each obstacle and even the fear that they are forgettable in this fun Easter book.
Bluey Easter is a sweet story about resilience and encouragement told in a fun story about an Easter egg hunt. It’s perfect for the Easter season.
17. Twas the Morning of Easter Glenys Nellist
Come along for this beautifully written story about the morning of Easter. Follow Mary as she finds the empty tomb, and then runs to tell the disciples that Jesus has risen in this Easter picture book.
If you’re looking for a book that will help your preschooler understand the first Easter, Twas the Morning of Easter is the perfect Easter book. Told in a similar rhyme as the classic Christmas poem, with gorgeous illustrations and an important story, it’s a great choice that will stick with your preschooler for years to come.
18. The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything Linda D. Williams
As this fearless old lady goes about her day, she runs into a few scary things. But not to fear, she is not afraid of anything and finds a logical solution to this frightening problem.
This is an excellent story about problem-solving and facing your fears. One of the things my son loves about The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything is the repeated phrases and simple words as the little old lady encounters each item. It makes it perfect for younger readers. Soon, you’ll find yourself walking around and repeating the whole book from memory.
19. Room on the Broom Julia Donaldson
This kind-hearted witch seems to constantly encounter helpful animals who only request a seat on her broom. There’s just one problem: a broom can only support so much weight.
Room on the Broom is a heart-warming Halloween book with a great message and sweet illustrations perfect for young readers. There is a little danger in this picture book, which is the only scary part (and makes it better for older children). The witch also rides on a broom, casts spells, and does other witchy things. You may want to skip this if you prefer not to introduce those topics to small children.
20. Itsy Bitsy Christmas Max Lucado
Itsy and Bitsy (two mice) hear about a king coming to Bethlehem and set out to find him. They look in all the important places where a king might come without luck. Only when they return home to the stable do they find the king who came for everyone.
This book is perfect if you’re looking for a book that will tell the Christmas story and teach you child about who Jesus is. Because it’s told as a story, even young kids will love this.
21. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Dr. Seuss
This classic Christmas book is a classic for a reason. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! tells the tale of the Grinch who hated Christmas. So he set out to steal everything Christmas and stop it from coming. But even without all the stuff, he found that Christmas couldn’t be stopped.
This impactful children’s book is one of the great Christmas stories every child should read. Although it is lengthy, the rhymes make it interesting and easy to read.
As you introduce these new books from the book list to your four-year-old, I hope you’ll be blown away by how much he/she remembers and learns. Just as I was in our casual spaghetti conversation.
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