mom holding sleeping toddler

10 Life-Saving Hacks to Make Life With a Toddler More Productive

Tips for toddlers. Ways to make life with a toddler (or 2) run more smoothly for all of you. Life-saving hacks to help moms manage toddlers. I catch my 15-month-old and wedge his shoes on, only to find that my 2-year-old has disappeared back into the bounce house again. “Liam!” I yell. Every kid but…

mom holding toddler on potty with title text overlay

10 Potty Training Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make (I Made Them All)

10 potty training mistakes you don’t want to make, written by a mom who’s made them all. Tips for potty training your toddler without mistakes.   Updated July 5, 2024, after potty training my second son (more mistakes were made). I laid my sleeping newborn down and left the room to a quiet house. Usually,…